Thursday, December 27, 2012

7 Amazing Steps To Selling Your Own Information Product

The internet has exploded into an amazing entity which offers everything for sale you can ever imagine.
Traditional business has become virtual with the creation of websites and information marketplaces for all manner of products.
Naturally, the inception of online shops and marketplaces has removed the need for overheads, physical product storage and when it comes to information products, removed the necessity to print newsletters, magazines and books. eBooks are created on computers, uploaded and stored online, purchased and downloaded by customers and read on-screen.
Of course there is still an overwhelming demand for the printed book and customers have the option to print out eBooks for a physical product but this revolution has allowed anyone who has a wish to do so, the ability to create their own books and information eBooks without the expense previously incurred through editing and publishing in the traditional way.
Once you have made the decision to create your own information product to sell online, you need to select the subject you are going to focus on and provide quality content to your audience.
The 7 steps you need to take are:
1. Create your eBook - select your topic, list your contents, answer your readers question, turn into PDF format
2. Create your website - buy your domain name, buy your web hosting package, create your sales page, upload your eBook
3. Direct traffic to your site - research various traffic generation methods and using these, direct interested parties to your website
4. Affiliate income - add further related content to your website by inserting affiliate links for similar products within your niche and you can make an additional income for promoting the sale of other products
5. Update your site regularly - continue to create posts, comment and add information to your site in order to encourage visitors to return for more information and updates as well as adding content for SEO recognition
6. React to comments - by listening to your readers and what they are saying, reporting back and asking for, you can ensure you gain loyalty by supporting their requests and solving their problems.
7. Monitor the good, bad and success - most sites and memberships provide statistics on what pages are viewed, URL's are clicked and how many visitors in total, broken down into various sectors and this can be used to repeat, remove and succeed the various aspects of your business.
To learn how to make your own website, fill it with quality content and create a successful moneymaking online business, visit Progress for Success and download your FREE information report.
Shirley Brown first became interested in creating websites in June 2008 and loved the challenge and success of creating her own. Learn, for free, how to create your own webpages and online money making business at
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